The majority of the scientific studies agree that breakfast is a very important meal.
The simple act of eating a balanced breakfast has an impact on satiety and reduction of hunger during the day, thereby warding off many problems and staying fit for a long time.
What’s more, eating well after eight to twelve hours of fasting can rebuild one’s reserves of glucose, the basic fuel of the brain, which improves mental performance, memory and concentration before noon.
On an average, a good breakfast should provide 20-25% of the total energy intake for the day and be balanced. It should contain foods from at least three of the four food groups:
Two other “non-essential” food groups can also be included. If consumed in moderation, they will not be “harmful”:
That’s all very well, you’ll say “but I don’t have time to eat in the morning”. This problem can be solved by remembering to carry something to eat on the way or on reaching office, like a yogurt for example, a handful of cereal, dried fruit and nuts or almonds. Or as an alternative, prepare a good to drink on the go.
“Yeah, but I’m not hungry”… in which case, drink a glass of water or fruit juice as soon as you get up, and this will whet your appetite.
And don’t forget that old adage for staying in shape: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”.
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